First Social Value Consultancy

Started in 2000
Social Value Calculations


Social Value UK & International Software
Manchester Office

About Social Value Consultancy Ltd

Social Value Consultancy

Our Experience

Social Value Consultancy have a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years, supporting clients from the Public, Private and Third Sectors. We have been involved at the very begining of the development of Social Value Policy in the UK, from the creation of outcomes frameworks through the Local Government Act 2000, the introduction of Social Value legislation through the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 and changes to Public Contracts Regulations with the introduction of Policy Procurment Note 06/20 and the Social Value Model. Social Value Consultancy have been advising Government Departments on Social Value to evidence 'Value for Money' and the 'Return on Investment' created through from Capital Projects and Policy Changes over the past 20 years.

Social Value Consultancy as a business was initally developed in 2007 and we are considered as 'thought leaders' in Social Value, Sustainability and ESG. 

Social Value Consultancy have worked with the HM Treasury to develop the Cost Benefit Anaysis Framework and the Unit Cost Database (which the primary database is used by the Social Value Portal TOMs), and Social Value UK and Social Value International on the development of the Global Value Exchange which is the largest database of indicators, outcomes and proxy values that can be used for measuring impact and monetising Social, Environmental and Economic Wellbeing Outcomes. Our team of subject matter experts have unrivalled experience including strategy and policy development, monetisation and non-monetisation, and reporting Social Value, Sustainability and ESG within transparent and legislative frameworks.

Founders of Social Profit Calculator/Loop

Social Value Consultancy are the founders of Social Profit Calculator (which is now called Loop) which was the first software tool to be accredited by Social Value UK and Social Value International. Since then Social Value Consultancy developed the Whole Life Value methodology, which helps clients to understand the lifecycle impact and value at every stage of their investments, particuarly from planning, design, procurement, delivery and operation of the Built Environment assets.

Social Value Consultancy introduced the concept and methoddology for Whole Life Value, which is aligned to the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, PPN 06/20 Social Value Model, PPN 06/21 Carbon Reduction Plans, the Construction Playbook and the Value Toolkit in terms of Outcomes Based Procurement. Whole Life Value looks looks beyond the planning and implementation phases of a project and includes the lifecycle value of the asset or services whilst in operation. This is a sustainable strategic approach to end of life of an asset or its next retrofit and next investment cycle particularly in relation to understanding embodied and operational carbon as organisation need to reduce their emission by 2030 and become Net Zero by 2050. Whole Life Value also considers the wider impacts post construction in terms of placemaking, attracting inward investment into an area, creating opportunities for economic growth through local supply chain engagement in service and FM contracts, long-term jobs and skills creation as well as the wider impacts on the local community through the legacy of capital and revenue investment in assets.

Definition of Social Value

Social Value is understanding how you contribute to delivering social, environmental and economic outcomes and evidencing the value this creates for the wellbeing of local people, communities, economies and wider society. Social Value helps you understand how you contribute to reducing social, economic, and environmental wellbeing inequalities, levelling up, placemaking, and creating a long term legacy and impact from what you do as a business and the projects or services you deliver.

How is Social Value linked to Sustainability and ESG?

Social Value is explicitly linked to Sustainability and ESG because it is focused on delivering social, environmental and economic outcomes whilst minimising the negative impact we can have on people, places and the planet. Social Value or 'Social Wellbeing' is considered as the 'S' in ESG, and Sustainability or 'Environmental Wellbeing' is considered as the 'E' in ESG. Measuring and evaluating your Environnmental and Social Impact, which can include both monetisation and non-monetisation of environmental and social wellbeing is part of a 'Governance' process, the 'G' in ESG, which enables positive decision-making that is both Environmentally and Socially Responsible.

We have developed a simple definition of ESG which Incorporate both Social Value and Sustainability to account for Social and Envionmental Wellbeing aspects. The 'Governance' element of ESG relates to data management, impact measurement, strategy development and reporting within a transparent legislative, and through both mandatory and voluntary regulated frameworks.

Founders of Whole Life Value Methodology - A Lifecycle Approach

Social Value Consultancy supports clients to understand the Lifecycle Value of their business operations, investments programmes and projects to ensure they deliver social, economic and environmental outomes within a compliant and legislative framework for and responsible Social Value, Sustainability and ESG investing and reporting. Social Value Consultancy uses a Whole Life Value methodology to support clients to understand the long term impact and value that they create through their projects, investments and services. The Whole Life value methodology comines HM Treasury Green Book Appraisal Techniques, Cabinet Office Social Return on Investment (SROI), Environmental/Sustainabilily Impact Assessment and Economic Impact Analysis to ensure clients and other stakeholders deliver against their ESG responsibilities whilst maintaining compliance with legislation, and being transparent in delivering local needs and global targets.


Our Services

Social Value Consultancy

We provide expertise in Social Impact Measurement, Monetisation of Social Wellbeing by developing and delivering strategies to ensure Social Value is embedded throughout a project or portfolio to help understand the Whole Life Value and return on investment. More Details

Sustainability and Decarbonsiation

We provide expertise in reducing both embodied and operational carbon to meet your decarbonisation and Net Zero Targets, developing and delivering strategies for improved environmental sustainability and environmental wellbeing. More Details

ESG Consultancy and Reporting

We provide expertise in strategic advice and guidance for reporting against your ESG targets through our six-stage process which is unique to Real Estate, Development, Construction and Operation across the Built Environment to ensure compliant, transparent and responsible Impact Investing. More Details

Product Development

We have a specialist product development team that can develop bespoke products and frameworks to support you with stakeholder engagement, materiality assessment, impact measurement. This will support you to develop your strategies, roadmaps and reporting requirements, now and in the future. More Details


We have a particular expertise within the Built Environment including Construction, Housing, and Infrastructure which is the catalyst for reducing Social Inequalities, stimulating Community Investment and Economic Regeneration. Although we specialise in the Built Environment, we have significant experience in other industries including the following:

The Industries and Sectors we work in:

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Real Estate & Residential

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